20 "friends from afar" set for Sanya tour on exchange program

20 "friends from afar" set for Sanya tour on exchange program

Twenty young foreign tourists are set to embark on a fantastic journey in Sanya, a seaside resort in south China's Hainan Province, this week, to experience the unique charm of the popular coastal destination.

As the ancient Chinese saying goes: "It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar." Sanya is now happily waiting for the group to come.


They will savor the charming city's breathtaking beauty and experience its splendid culture as part of the program "Travel The World, Stay In Sanya," hosted by the Sanya Tourism Board and co-hosted by Shanghai Daily, which will run from September 8 to 10.


Located in the "golden latitude" 18 degree north latitude, Sanya is the only tropical coastal tourism city in China. The captivating beauty of Sanya has captivated the hearts of countless tourists, as they immerse themselves in the vibrant local culture, safe traveling environment and savor the delectable culinary delights that Sanya has to offer.


During the program, 20 youngsters from countries which boast significant tourist arrivals to Sanya, such as the United States, 资源县利为棉类有限公司 Thailand, 青铜峡市圣科蚕茧有限公司 Greece and South Korea, 阳泉市代麻类有限公司 will follow five travel routes to explore its city culture,张家港市恒宇针织品制造有限公司 maritime activities, 固原市岩名催化剂有限公司 the folk customs of Li and Miao ethnic minorities, duty-free shopping experience,液压部件 and the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port.

Tianya-Haijiao, West Island, Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest, Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City are some of the stops.

20 of them will experience the unique splendor of the coastal city and explore why it is a destination worth staying.




With an international outlook, the Sanya Tourism Board is looking forward to promoting the city to the world as a fascinating international tourist paradise and a visitor-friendly destination, thus accelerating the buildup of a world influential free trade port with Chinese characteristics.

See ya in Sanya!液压部件
